Mr Chen, a Chinese scandium industry tycoon, come to our company to guide the work

2024-01-06 Share

In September 2023, Chinese scandium industry leader Mr Chen visited our company for guidance, and we are delighted and encouraged by Chen's visit!

Mr Chen, a Chinese scandium industry tycoon, come to our company to guide the work

Mr Chen was one of the first national level technical experts in China to develop scandium oxide and scandium metal products in the 1980s. Even in his old age, he still maintains a high level of passion and fighting spirit, fighting on the front line of scandium research and production. He is a leading figure in China's scandium industry and has accumulated rich practical experience in scandium research and development.

Since the establishment of our company, Mr. Chen has been very concerned about our business development and often provides selfless assistance and guidance. In this exchange, the General Manager of the company, Li Anjun, comprehensively introduced the current situation and development plan of the company. Both sides had in-depth exchanges and extensive discussions on the cutting-edge technology of scandium production both domestically and internationally. Mr. Chen fully affirmed our company's development achievements and has high expectations for our next steps in development.

This exchange has greatly benefited our company and greatly inspired the enthusiasm of our employees in their work. Mr. Li expressed our sincere admiration for Mr. Chen, who is still fighting on the front line of scandium research and production at the age of 85; Sincere thanks to Mr. Chen for his selfless help. Mr. Li said that Mr. Chen is our precious spiritual wealth, and Hunan Jinkun has always been committed to becoming a leader in China's scandium industry. We will not disappoint our high expectations, shoulder the banner of development, and make the necessary contributions to promoting the progress of China's scandium industry!

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