We participated in the "Red Maple Plan" and "Lushan Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

2023-11-08 Share
On May 11, 2021, our company took part in the organized by capital university of science and technology city management committee, zhuzhou high-tech business incubator co., LTD., to undertake, such as "red maple plan" and "mountain foothill cup" innovation entrepreneurship competition division of zhuzhou city special incubator, incubator special performance in project to attend the roadshow, to scramble to reps "tickets".
It is reported that this is the second time for the "Red Maple Project" and "Lushan Cup" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of Yuelu Mountain University Science and Technology City to enter Zhuzhou competition area, after the first road show of the three cities was held in Hunan University of Technology on March 25.After a wide range of early launch and project road show demonstration drive, so far, nearly 1,400 projects have signed up to participate in the competition.

"Innovation and entrepreneurship competition is an important platform for entrepreneurs to connect resources, enhance value and show their strength."Li Anjun, the representative of our company, said that winning or losing the competition is very important but not the only one. It is in the exchange of ideas and collisions with many people that the company's grasp of the future development direction becomes more and more clear, which is a good opportunity for the development and evolution of the company.

(Specialized in scandium metal,scandium oxide and etc scandium products)

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