The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

2024-04-07 Share

The purest metal

Germanium: Germanium purified by regional melting technology, with a purity of "Thirteen Nine" (99.999999999%).

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The most metals

Aluminum: Its abundance accounts for about 8% of the Earth's crust, and aluminum compounds are found everywhere on Earth. Ordinary soil also contains a lot of aluminum oxide.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

Minimal metal

Polonium: The total amount in the Earth's crust is extremely small.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The lightest metal

Lithium: equivalent to half the weight of water, it can float not only on the water surface, but also in kerosene.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The most insoluble metal

Tungsten: Melting point is 3410 ℃, boiling point is 5700 ℃. When the light is on, the temperature of the filament can reach over 3000 ℃, and only tungsten can withstand such high temperatures. China is the world's largest tungsten storage country, mainly consisting of scheelite and scheelite.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The metal with the lowest melting point

Mercury: Its freezing point is -38.7 ℃.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The highest yielding metal

Iron: Iron is the metal with the highest annual production, with a global crude steel production of 1.6912 billion tons in 2017. Meanwhile, iron is also the second highest metal element in the Earth's crust.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The metal that can absorb gases the most

Palladium: At room temperature, 1 volume of metal palladium can absorb 900-2800 volumes of hydrogen gas.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The metal with the best ductility

Gold: 1 gram of gold can be pulled into a 4000 meter long filament; If beaten into gold foil, the thickness can reach 5 x 10-4 millimeters.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

The metal with the best conductivity

Silver: Its conductivity is 59 times that of mercury.

The biggest disclosure of metal! How much do you know? (1)

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